Mandy Yang: Among all of This

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What is a Kon Mari/ Marie Kondo specialist? How does this method differ from other organizing techniques? What does sparking joy really mean?
The Kon Mari method comes from the tidying specialist Marie Kondo who wrote the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. A consultant is someone who has trained and helps support people going through the Kon Mari method. This approach is different because you declutter by category and not by room. There is a specific order in which you declutter and organize. This is an intense method because you literally touch every item in your home. The focus is on what you want to KEEP or what sparks joy for you. The Kon Mari Method is meant to be done ONCE in your life. You do it well and then you are done. This process takes people time- about 6 months. Through this process you have changed your mindset. It can be a major life event for people.

How did you get into being a Kon Mari Specialist?
In 2016 I started this journey. I began to declutter when we were moving into a new house, but even after all of that we moved into our new home with 2 huge moving trucks. We unloaded everything into the garage and we slowly brought in what we needed. Over several months we realized we didn’t need the items left in the garage so we donated all of them. That was great, but after that, over the next 6 months, I began to get overwhelmed again with new items coming into my home. That’s when I decided to read Marie’s book and complete our tidying event.  I knew I wanted to help other people do the same! That’s when I decided to get certified.

What has been the biggest benefit in your life since starting this journey?
My family paid off $34,000 in debt over 2 years. The way you think about your life changes with the Kon Mari Method. I did not want to shop the same way I once did. I shopped less, but with more intention and realized we had more money and why were in debt in the first place.

What are common problem areas in people’s homes and how can they tackle them?
People seem to struggle the most with laundry and mail. The amount of laundry feels overwhelming. If you can’t complete the entire tidying method, complete the first category which is clothing. When your clothing sparks joy for you, you tend to want to take care of it. Less laundry means less to manage.

Mail-use the touch once rule! Handle you mail when you have the time to deal with it and touch it once and then you are done. Build in time daily to deal with your mail.

Can you talk about small routines you have to help stay minimal and organized?
I tidy up my purse after each outing. After I get home I take miscellaneous items out and put them away so my purse does not get full of clutter. I also tidy my car after each outing. We take out books, wrappers, and other items and put them away. The same goes for our kitchen island. Each night we take everything off  our kitchen island. Counters are for DOING and not for STORING.

How should someone start the Kon Mari journey or any organizing/decluttering process? Tips/advice?
Have a goal in mind and a WHY before you start. In the Kon Mari Method this is called a vision. Imagine your ideal day? What would it look like? How would you feel? You can also go on Pinterest and find 3 images of home interiors that spark joy for you. Think about why they spark joy and what type of people would live there. Having a vision is the best way to start so you can get through the method.

How do you handle your kids toys and decorations?
Don’t touch anything that doesn’t belong to you. Once you complete the method with YOUR items you are better able to support your kids. The less you have the less you have to manage. Declutter first and then organize later. At 3 years of age they are capable telling you what sparks joy for them. Empower them to make the decisions about what to keep. Store like items with like items. All of the toys should be stored in one area. The likelihood of return is also a big deal. The easier items can be put away by the kids the better. Lids can be a big hurdle for them. Have one area for toys and kid items.

Personal mementos can be hard to declutter but they also tend to sit in storage. Any recommendations on how to declutter those items?
Pick what sparks joy first, don’t look for things you want to get rid of. After you have items that spark joy, you can decide what items you want to get rid of. If you are able to get rid of items, do that. Otherwise you can get some clear plastic storage bins with labels. Also, think about what you can use and display instead of letting it sit in storage. If you have items you never want to see the light of day then maybe think about discarding them.

What do you do with all of the paper items that come with having children?
There are everyday papers and forever papers. Forever papers can be stored with a simple method. Also, find a place to keep those everyday papers you need to go through as well. Keep STORIES and not every item from every grade. Mandy makes plastic, custom bins to store your kids forever papers. The bins are on the Etsy shop above.

What are your best general tips and tricks for keeping a simple, organized home.
Clutter is so personal. Our things become clutter once they no longer serve a purpose in our life. Our items have seasons too. If you once loved something you are no longer using then it might be time to get rid of it. Clutter is an emotion. Declutter first, keep what sparks JOY, keep LIKE with LIKE, and use tidying as a daily self care ritual.  THE LESS WE HAVE THE LESS WE HAVE TO MANAGE!