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3 Things to Quit Buying Now!

If you are trying to pay down debt you may be looking for ways to trim down your expenses. I am going to list the 3 things I quit paying for that made a big difference in my budget right away. Sometimes when we are just starting out on a debt free, or budgeting journey, it can seem like the process is taking forever! If we don’t see some gains, we might be tempted to walk away and resort back to our old lifestyle. When I stopped buying these items I saw results right away. This helped me to stay motivated and cut other expenses. Give it a try for 30 days and see what you think!


The first thing I stopped buying was take out coffee. I love going to Starbucks as much as most people, but $5.00 for a latte was not helping my budget. I still go out for coffee occasionally, but now it is a special treat. If I spent $5.00/day on coffee during a 5 day work week I would see a savings of $25.00 per week and $100.00 per month. I bring now bring my coffee to work almost everyday. Try getting creative with your coffee. Buy some fun creamers or flavored syrups. You could also look into getting a coffee machine that allows you to make lattes if you have it in your budget and you think it will save money and pay for itself in the long run. My personal weakness was iced coffee. I spent so much money on coffee in the summer because I did not know how to make my own iced coffee until finally I got an iced coffee pitcher and learned to make my own. I encourage you to do that same!


I do not go out for lunch. This was the hardest thing for me to do because I HATE packing and taking my lunch! I feel like it is so much work. I decided that I needed to get a system down to make this easier because I was not doing a great job packing lunches in the morning. I am NOT a morning person! One system I found that worked for me was to pack lunches, and do a lot of lunch prep on Sunday. I have to pack lunches for everyone in my family. That is a lot of lunches!! If I can get veggies chopped, some sandwiches made, and some other meal prep done on Sunday my life is so much better. If you can’t make your lunch on Sunday, I find that making a lunch the night before is also helpful. Another thing you could do is make a double batch of dinner on Sunday(or Saturday) and take the leftovers for lunch during the week. Making soup, or another dish, and freezing it is also another option. You might need to experiment with a few different systems before you find something that works for you and your family, but a little planning will go a long way. I purchased these containers for my son and I am able to pack him 4 lunches at a time. I stick them in the fridge and now I don’t have to worry about it each morning.


I now carry a water bottle for me and my kids wherever I go. If I don’t have to purchase bottled water I won’t. The water you get from most places is very expensive and it is usually very easy to bring your own if you plan ahead. Keep a water bottle near the door or in your car. I find that many places have a place where you can refill your bottle.

The 3 things I carry to work each day: coffee, lunch, and my water bottle